Tuesday, March 5, 2013

‪The Birth of Rostam (Rustam) by caesarean section

NOW the son of Zal was born, Rudabeh was sore afflicted, and neither by day nor night could she find rest. Then Zal in his trouble bethought him of the Simorgh, his nurse, and how she had given unto him a feather that he might use it in the hour of his need. And he cast the feather into the fire as she had commanded, and straightway a sound of rushing wings filled the air, and the sky was darkened and the bird of God stood before Zal. And she said unto him: "O my son, wherefore art thou troubled, and why are the eyes of this lion wet with tears?" Then he told her of his sorrow, and she bade him be of good cheer, "For verily thy nurse who shielded thee, and reared thee when thy father cast thee out, is come yet again to succour thee." And she told him how he should act, and when she had done speaking she Turned her once more towards her nest. But Zal did as she had commanded, and there was born to him a son comely of limb. And when Rudabeh beheld the babe, she smiled and said: "Verily he shall be called Rostam (which, being interpreted, meaneth delivered), for I am delivered of my pains." And all the land was glad that a son was come unto Zal the hero, and the sounds of feasting and joy were heard throughout its breadth. This picture is a scene from Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, Rudabeh gives birth to Rustam by caesarean section through her side. The man in the image is a mobed, a Zoroastrian priest, physician and surgeon (cf. magus)‬

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